Pomeranian With One Blue Eye Red Klee Kai
We've all seen dogs with blue eyes or two different colored eyes. Can Pomeranians have blue eyes?
Although rare Pomeranians can have blue eyes. A dog's eye color is ultimately determined by its genetics. There are some genetic variants that contain blue eyes as a dominant trait. Not all dogs with blue eyes are healthy, there are some genetic combinations that can result in a blue-eyed dog that has major health issues.
Are Blue Eyes Really Blue
Blue eyes are actually not really blue. Blue eyes have a lack of melanin.
Melanian is a term for natural pigments that are found in most forms of life. Melanin is produced by cells that are within our skin, hair, and eyes.
If blue eyes aren't really blue, than why do they appear blue?
When light enters into the eye, particles in the stroma area scatter it and reflects some blue wavelengths back out. It's the same reason the sky looks blue.
What Causes Dogs To Have Blue Eyes
The majority of our physical traits are determined by our genetics.
There are a variety of genes found in dogs that can cause them to have blue eyes.
The "Blue Eye" Gene
Only 5% of dogs are said to have the blue eye gene.
Some breeds are more likely to have this gene than others like Siberian Huskies, Australian Shepherds, Miniature American Shepherds, and the Alaskan Klee Kai.
The blue eye variant is carried in the ALX4 gene. This trait is dominant and only requires one copy to produce a dog with blue eyes.
The Merle Gene
The merle gene causes a signature splotchy coat pattern that can include black, silver, white, brown, beige, red, and more.
Many breeds in the herding group have this genetic variant Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Great Danes, And Miniature American Shepherds.
The genetic variant that causes merle coloring can also cause a dog to have blue eyes.
Merle genetics does come with some health risks. If two merle carriers are bred together it can result in a "double-merle" puppy. A puppy that has the double-merle gene is often born all white, blind, and deaf among other health issues.
The Parti Or Piebald Gene Variant
Parti or Piebald dogs are dogs the have coats with white spotting.
The white areas in the dogs coat are actually due to a lack of pigment, since white is technically not a color.
The gene variant that causes Parti or Piebald coloring is also known to result in a dog with a pink nose, eye rims, and blue eyes.
Some dog breeds that can have blue eyes due to the Parti or Piebald gene are Dalmatians, Boxers, and Bull Terriers.
Blue eyes that are caused by the Parti or Piebald variant occur mostly in dogs that are mostly white and carry two copies of the gene. These dogs are also very likely to be deaf in one or both ears.
Why Do Some Dogs Only Have One Blue Eye
When dogs have two different colored eyes it's called heterochromia.
Heterochromia is when there is a lack of melanin in one of the dogs eyes causing it to appear blue.
Heterochromia is an inherited genetic occurrence that is pretty rare.
Are Blue Eyes Rare In Pomeranians
Blue eyes are rare in Pomeranians.
The most common eye color for Pomeranians are shades of brown.
Light blue eyes are extremely rare but, can occur in merle colored Pomeranians.
Blue eyes can also occur in Pomeranians with diluted coat colors like lavender, blue, or parti coat colors. The blue eyes are usually a darker blue color.
Do All Merle Pomeranians Have Blue Eyes
Merle Pomeranians do not always have blue eyes, they can also have two different colored eyes, hazel or shades of brown.
Do All Pomeranian Puppies Have Blue Eyes
All Pomeranian Puppies are born with blue eyes.
When puppies are born they have a lack melanin in their eyes which begins to slowly develop over time.
The puppy's eyes will start to develop melanin slowly and their eye color will change into their permanent color by the time they are 9 to 12 weeks of age.
Does The AKC Acknowledge Blue Eyes In Pomeranians
The AKC standard for eye color in Pomeranians can be a little tricky to decipher.
The standard indicates that Pomeranians' eyes should be dark and bright with black rims except in self-colored chocolate, beaver, and blue colors.
The gene that causes chocolate, beaver, and blue coat colors also can affect the color of the dog's eyes. With these coat colors being accepted by the AKC their eye colors must also be accepted.
Dogs with a chocolate coat can be expected to have hazel eyes.
Beaver colored Pomeranians also often have hazel eyes.
Dogs with a blue coat can have blue eyes. Although, they are blue they are generally very dark.
Although Merle coat coloring is now accepted by the AKC, a dog with light blue, blue marbled, or blue flecked eyes is not.

Why Do Albino Dogs Have Blue Eyes
An Albino dog can have blue or green eyes due to the lack of melanin in their eyes.
Albinism is very rare and only appears in 1% of dogs.
What Health Conditions Can Cause Blue Eyes
Most of the time a dog is born with blue eyes and its coloring is completely harmless. There are other times when a blue coloring of the eyes happens later in life and is an indication of a health concern.
Let's look at some of the common health concerns that can cause a dogs eyes to become blue.
A dog can develop cataracts later in life. Cataracts cause a cloudy cornea in the eye, this can give a blueish, grey milky appearance. If left untreated cataracts can cause your dog to go blind. Luckily, surgery can often remove cataracts.
Glaucoma is caused by pressure in the eye, this condition can cause a bluish-grey hue to the eye. Glaucoma must be treated by a vet as it is very painful and can cause your dog to ultimately lose its eye.
Corneal Dystrophy
Corneal Dystrophy is typically harmless and doesn't affect a dog's vision. A dog with corneal dystrophy will generally have cloudiness or haziness in one or both eyes.
Nuclear Sclerosis
Nuclear sclerosis often occurs in older dogs and can cause cloudiness and blueish coloring of the eyes. it's generally harmless and doesn't require any treatment.
Anterior Uveitis
Anterior Uveitis is a rare condition that can cause cloudiness of the eyes. Although, this condition is very rare it is serious and can cause blindness.
Are Blue Eyes In Dogs Bad
The majority of dogs with blue eyes received them through genetics. We all have different genetics that makes us the unique individuals that we are. Our dogs are exactly the same, their genetics have made them who they are.
It's completely normal and not a bad thing for many dogs to have blue eyes.
There are occasions where unfavorable genetics like two merle genes create a white, blind, and deaf pup with many health issues. It is unethical and inhumane to breed two dogs with genetics that can result in such a tragedy.
As previously mentioned there are health conditions of the eyes that can cause a dogs eyes to look blueish.
23 Common Dog Breeds That Have Blue Eyes
There are many dog breeds that can have blue eyes. Here are the 23 most common.
Weimaraners | Most Weimaraners have beautiful amber-colored eyes but, they can sometimes have blue-grey eyes. |
Siberian Husky | Siberian huskies can have blue, brown, one of each, or multi-colored eyes. |
German Shepherds | German Shepherds can occasionally have blue eyes or multi-colored eyes. |
Border Collie | Border Collies can have eyes of many colors including blue. |
Australian Shepherd | Blue eyes are common in Aussies as well as brown, amber, and any combination. |
Dalmation | Dalmations can have blue, brown, and combination-colored eyes. |
Shetland Sheepdog | Blue eyes are possible but, rare in Shelties. Blue eyes are most often found in Shelties with Blue Merle coats. |
Dashounds | Dark-colored eyes are the most common for Dashounds but, blue eyes or a combination of colors is also possible. |
Australian Cattle Dog | Most Australian Cattle Dogs have dark brown eyes but, blue eyes are possible. |
Great Dane | Great Danes are loveable giants that can have blue eyes in merle and harlequin coat colors. |
Cardigan Welsh Corgirs | Corgies can sometimes have blue or combination-colored eyes. |
Cocker Spaniel | The AKC doesn't recognize Cocker Spaniels with blue eyes but, they are possible. |
Old English Shepherd | Old English SHepherds can have blue, brown, or one of each color eyes. |
Neapolitan Mastiff | These large dogs can also have blue eyes although, not accepted by the AKC. |
Alaskan Klee Kai | Alaskan Klee Kais commonly have blue eyes. |
Shih Tzu | Shih Tzus can sometimes have blue eyes. |
Pit Bulls | Blue eyes are uncommon in Pit Bulls but, they are possible. |
Boxers | Dark eyes are the only eye color that is accepted by the AKC but, blue eyes and an eye color combination are possible. |
Catahoula Leopard Dog | Catahoulas can have many different colored eyes, including blue. |
Alaskan Malamute | Alaskan Malamutes usually have eyes that are a shade of brown but, blue or a combination of the two is possible. |
Rottliers | Most Rottweillers have dark brown eyes but, on rare occasions, they can have blue eyes or two different colored eyes. |
Aussie Poo | Aussie Poos can have many different eye colors and combinations including blue. |
Cane Corso | Although, not accepted by the AKC Cano Corsos can sometimes have blue eyes. |
Final Thoughts
Although rare, Pomeranians can have blue eyes.
It's interesting how blue eyes are naturally occurring through genetics but, the AKC doesn't acknowledge all eye color variations.
Regardless of eye color or the recognition of colors each Pomeranian and uniquely beautiful.
Be aware that sometimes there are eye conditions that can change the color of your dog's eyes. If you notice any changes seek Veterinary care.
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Source: https://allaboutpoms.com/can-pomeranians-have-blue-eyes-how-do-dogs-get-blue-eyes/
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