strategic solutions

Co-Managed I.T. Services

I.T. Solutions of South Florida's Co-Managed I.T. Service

Our Co-Managed Services are designed to support businesses that have an I.T. department or I.T. staff member already onsite, but are looking for assistance with the daily care and maintenance of their I.T. networks.

Our team of technology experts, engineers, and specialist act as an extension of your I.T. staff and provide you all the advantages of I.T. service and support while sparing you the high costs of managing your I.T. in-house.

Our goal is to work with your I.T. department to increase the overall capabilities of the staff. We assist with:

  • Servers

  • Client Desktops

  • Network Devices

  • Network Storage

  • Network Security

  • Cloud Computation

  • Cloud Storage

  • Cloud Security

  • Collaboration

  • Data Protection

The Perfect Solution for Mid-Sized Companies

You have a dedicated I.T. staff, but they need help and more time to perform their mission-critical duties. Give that time back to them.

I.T. Solutions of South Florida can augment your current I.T. staff and take over all the "daily grind" duties, freeing up your in-house support to do what you hired them to do. I.T. Solutions maintains Tier 1, 2, and 3 technicians, fully capable of offering advanced support for mission-critical operations or more mundane day-to-day tasks, depending on your individual need.

Avoid the unnecessary expense of building your in-house I.T. team and let the experts at I.T. Solutions of South Florida supplement your operations with a more affordable and sensible solution.

What are the benefits of Co-Managed I.T. Services?

When it comes to managing corporate I.T., most companies choose to either hire an in-house expert or team of experts, or outsource this function to an experienced I.T. vendor. While these two approaches are certainly among the most common, a new, hybrid approach called "co-management" offers a number of advantages.

Co-management enables companies that have an in-house I.T. staff to supplement their in-house resources with outside expertise. The most common scenarios in which companies choose a co-managed I.T. approach include:

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  • Scenario 1

    The in-house I.T. staff is focused on high-level, strategic I.T. issues and planning and needs support for such day-to-day tasks as troubleshooting, helpdesk services, software upgrades, data backup, etc.c

  • Scenario 2

    The in-house I.T. staff is capable of carrying out the day-to-day tasks, but requires outside advice regarding the organization's overall I.T. strategy.

  • Scenario 3

    A company has entered a rapid growth phase and needs to scale up its I.T. services to support internal growth.

  • Scenario 4

    Companies have a well-developed, in-house I.T. staff at their headquarters location but need a reliable solution for remote branch locations.

Key Benefits of a Co-Managed Solution

More Productivity

With a co-management approach, I.T. support is available 24x7 even if your in-house staff is on vacation or taking sick leave. This increased responsiveness can reduce downtime and in turn, increase employee productivity.

Increased Security

With outsourcing to a co-managed service provider comes the benefit of that provider's access to the latest technology and I.T. best practices. This reduces the burden on your in-house staff of having to stay abreast of emerging I.T. security threats and ensures that your company has the best protection possible.

Lower Costs

Because most co-management I.T. services are provided for a fixed monthly fee, they offer businesses greater predictability in terms of their I.T. expenses as well as lower overall I.T. costs and reduced overhead.

What are the benefits of Co-Managed I.T. Services?

The I.T. Solutions of South Florida Co-Managed Service Desk model is designed to support businesses that have an I.T. Department but are looking for assistance with the daily care and maintenance of their I.T. networks.

We will provide access to our Service Desk and enterprise level management tools and services.

We Manage Your Technology...
You Manage Your Business!

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